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Our new website on App Engine

It's nonrel blog time, again! We really wanted to post last week, but we had to finish something before PyCon. Drums please...

We've moved our blog to our new website built with Django nonrel. It's hosted on App Engine, but it should also work with other cloud ...

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Sharding with Django on App Engine

When developing a scalable application for App Engine you need to pay attention to how often a database entity is updated because you can only update any single entity with a maximal frequency of 1-5 times per second. If the frequency of updates for any single entity is higher than ...

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An App Engine limitation you didn't know about

You probably know all of App Engine's documented datastore limitations. An important one is that a single entity can't have more than 5000 index entries. Usually this means that you have to be careful with queries that have multiple filters on a ListProperty (or StringListProperty, of course). If ...

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